Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Color my Collar

I REALLY wanted a collar necklace. I was inspired by this post in my friends AWESOME website Dahliasday. Eventually I found one I really liked, in this really weird pinkish color. 

I kept reading that you can paint these necklaces, so I decided to give it a go. 

The first thing I learned is that its very important not to use acrylic paint - it will come right off, and probable get your clothes dirty. The best thing to use for a necklace this is nail polish. Another option is spray paint, to create a look like this: 

Which I hope to try soon!!

I put down newspaper, because I am VERY accident prone and went to painting! 

Paint a layer of white nail polish (prepare to be patient, it takes a long time) 

Left that to dry for like 10 minutes, and then painted the colors. 

  Since I don't have a stash of nail polish I had do buy, and just went fro the cheapest brand at my local rite aid. These are the colors I used:

It doesn't really matter what colors you use as long as you think they look good together, and you try and keep it somewhat symmetrical.

After I painted all the colors I did a second coat and let it try for an hour. I put on a top coat because I felt the colors were a little dull and it gave it all some shine. 

Let it dry over night and you are done! 

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